Myth and Reality of Liposuction
← Back to articlesThe strength of some rumours is simply fascinating. There have been a lot of books and articles written about liposuctions, yet still myths abound that need to constantly be refuted. Václav Poláček, MD, Ph.D. and Joseph Kulhánek MD and MBA from Lékařský Dům/Medical House in Prague 7 answer some frequently asked questions that everyone thinking about liposuction wants the answer to.
Is liposuction a quick solution to removing excess pounds?
Today, most candidates for liposuction are aware that this procedure is not a means of reducing weight. The basic mission is to eliminate fat accumulated in different problem areas such as thighs, hips, buttocks...everywhere it is difficult or even impossible to lose weight.
One of the most popular methods is vibrating liposuction. How is it done and what are its advantages?
As far as vibration liposuction goes, it’s a method in which fat cells are released primarily by the use of a vibrating cannula and not only by the physical strength of the surgeon. It’s used mainly for the extraction of large volumes of fat, which significantly shortens the operation. In the so-called tumescent (vibration) method, a special solution is administered into the subcutaneous adipose tissue of the patient before the procedure evens begins. As a result, fat cells detach from tissue more easily, the tissue becomes numb, and haemorrhaging is reduced. This all makes it easier for the cannula to penetrate the tissue, making general anaesthesia unnecessary and thus patient is able to leave the facility shortly after the procedure.
It is possible to perform liposuction in several places at once? How does this affect price?
Tumescent liposuction can be performed on multiple sites of the body, but it´s rather the exception. But if there isn’t large amount of fat and the areas are contiguous like the abdomen and hips or the inner and outer thighs, then the surgery can be done at one time. The price depends on the quantity of fat removed and length of the procedure.
How long after the procedure do the final results show and is it possible to work and do sports?
„Final result” is relative term. After the tumescent liposuction clients are usually able to do light administrative work after three days, depending on the type of procedure and the location where tissue has been removed. After one week the difference is striking; after three weeks things don’t change much, the rest taking place over the next few months. Greater physical activity and removing of elastic support garments is usually recommended after three weeks.
It is possible to somehow significantly influence the outcome of post-operative care?
Of course. It mainly consists of regular wearing of elastic support garments, lymphatic drainage massage and possibly applying ointment to accelerate the absorption of bruises.
When is liposuction not recommended?
Liposuction is basically indicated only for healthy people. People with serious health risks, are not recommended to undergo the procedure. Some risks is associated with obesity, especially among people over forty, those using hormonal contraception, when preventive administration of heparin is often necessary.
And finally a question to the heart of liposuction: Would you recommend liposuction to someone in your own family?
„Yes” I would. But only, of course, if it were indicated, “says Dr. Poláček. He adds: „ As I said, most clients who are interested in a liposuction usually want to change their whole lifestyle to a healthier one. And that change is beneficial to the whole organism”. I totally agree with my colleague. I’ve personally seen this in my own circle of friends and family, and I’ve recommended liposuction in these cases’, says Dr. Kulhánek.