Breast Uplift and Reduction

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Approtiate operative technique is applied in accordance with the size of the breasts and the scope of droopliness of the breasts. Depending on its extent the intervention takes 90 up to 120 minutes. It is conducted under general anesthesia and requires 1-2 days of hospitalization. With breasts not too large and rather droopy, remodeling is possible - i.e. reduction of the skin cover and lifting the mass of the breast.

This results in a change of shape, while the volume remains unchanged. If breasts, in addition to being droopy, are of excessive volume, a relevant portion of the fat and sometimes also the lacteal glands are taken away during the intervention. This operation not only improves the look of the chest but brings a notable relief to the patient at reduction of the breast weight.From dermatological point of view, the patient is no longer molested by various types of inflammations and eczemas.

The period of surgical convalescence is 2-3 weeks, full load with all risks is possible after 1 month from the operation.


Breast Enlargement